jungle deep

 jungle deep and all my neurons firing

bullets dizzying through the air, 

mosquitoes insatiable for food,

and her figure jumped out from the thickened brush.

clad in darkened colors,

eyes as large as i had never seen

i could almost admire such beauty

but it was mainly terror i felt.

there was only silence and my gun fell to the floor

my heart thundering inside yearning to leap away

she circled my frozen body

i simply waited for her command.

her body moved slowly and smoothly,

those giant eyes entrancing and enchanting,

killing me with desire.

i wanted it done. 

a large swipe,

a killer bite,

a concussive jump.

i crouched slowly with my hand extended

the grass was wet and green and dark

my fingers slowly felt the newly damp steel

but at that moment she was upon me.

my gun was too heavy to lift and she was too fast.


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