warm day

 song of the moment: 

these days i've been feeling that pain in your heart of being in love, or being heart broken, or starting something monumental in your life. the problem is that i don't know why. it strikes the hardest when i look at the newly growing leaves. 

i feel like i'm floating through, engrossed in impassioned desire, the days and nothing can anchor me. the sun, the rain, the clouds, the sunset, daydreams of kisses and hugs and embraces, all these things speeding my heart and creating a pain of a black hole in my chest. with the elation of love being felt there's the dread that accompanies it. a solitude that is felt the strongest when i'm sitting and the shadows of the night creep up.

i've been on three dates now and they all have been lacking. and not because the people are not interesting or nice, but there's just no...chemistry. maybe that's what has me so distraught. i want to feel in love but i can't fulfill it. i think i may give the whole dating app thing a rest. it's just not my style. 

 haiku attempt:

red red red tulips

a golden haired garden queen

windy quiet spring




Otakitty said…
There was one night, we were hanging out with Gianni. Maybe at your place, maybe his. And you picked up the guitar and started strumming along, and Gianni started singing a song. I do remember you guys saying it was a Radiohead song.
And I didn't know the song, it's not like Gianni is a great singer either, but it moved me. I was laying on the coach there and I felt moved like I haven't felt many times before, because sometimes I still think back on this memory and how my heart ached then, from the pain that was distilling from his voice, from the melody.

Was it this song?
kuriimu said…
it's possible. most likely though it was "fake plastic trees". i think this one came out after those times.

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