Train thoughts

 Flowing through the countryside with the dark green grass on my left and the deep blue of the ocean on my right. 

All I can do I think about you. The way the sun shines on the waves reminds me of your smile. The way you breathe out when you laugh and I can’t help but feel like those waves, warned by the embrace of the light. 

The train moves on and we go through little towns. Little houses, all clean and quaint. Picturesque on the hillside with their gardens. 

And yet I day dream with you. Flowers of all colors and sizes dance with the gentle breeze and kiss the air with their fragrance. And yet I can tell you with no fear that you are more enchanting than all of them, you hair more resplendent and your air sweeter still. 

Through forests we now roll. A cool shade kisses the hard metallic frame, offering a calmness oasis. In the distance windmills wave goodbye wishing for better adventures. 

Multicolored moss adorns the idyllic grounds, making beauty out of chaos and yet instilling it with magic. It is in your intellect and quiet and sharp thoughts that fill this world with wonder and joy and awe. You are kind and cool and mysterious and it all makes it too inevitable to fall in love with you. 

The train moves and so does my heart. Maybe one day it’ll get to your destination. (Ugh i hate this ending)


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