Meeting Karma

 Karma police. That’s who followed her to Europe. She was not supposed to submit an abstract to this conference. Not when Mark had been working for 5 years at the company and had never traveled before. Not when she only had 6 months in and barely knew anyone. But he had called her science shoddy. Fuck him. It’s not her fault they deemed her hastily made experiment much better than his. She was given a presentation and travel award while that prick didn’t even get in. It was underhanded, the way she went about it, but after all the comments about women in engineering he deserves to be stuck where he is. 

Nevertheless karma is a bitch who doesn’t care about fuckwads getting what they deserve. As she was getting off the train in that tiny French village she noticed her luggage being dragged on by a tiny blond haired teenager. It took Ana five seconds to realize she was being robbed. “Wait!!! help! stop that kid!” She ran after her but she was agile as hell and jumped across the tracks to the other side of the platform. Ana hesitated. Then that little punk disappeared with her luggage. In what seemed a second there no more trains in the station and she was all alone. The cool autumn breeze made her shiver. She was only wearing a thin tank top and leggings, her travel attire. She saw a bench and sat down. The only things in her possession were her cellphone and her satchel with her laptop and headphones. 

She was cold and alone. “Fuck Karma” she muttered when a shadow approached her and looking in the direction of her disappearing luggage said “that fucking sucks…are you ok?” He turned to her and she saw the brownest kindest eyes she had ever seen. Her heart skipped a beat and something in her told her to trust him completely. “Stop it body! This is exactly how we get in trouble!” She thought to herself. “Yeah I’m ok. Thanks.” She tried to be as dead pan as possible but the tears in her eyes spoke another story.

As they both waited in that bench for the next train the evening grew colder and Ana could feel her skin getting prickly and looked with envy at the man’s cozy sweater and giant scarf. The train arrived with a forceful gale of chill and Ana saw the attendant coming over to ask for her ticket. She immediately remembered she had safely put it away in her luggage. She frantically searched her pockets just in case of some miracle. “Ticket?” The old attendant extended his hand. She was on the verge of tears. She looked into the kind man’s eyes. He also had a beautiful mouth. “God you really know how to make someone attractive” she thought. 

“Ticket ma’am!” the old man switching to English recognizing her as lost tourist. Ana then reached out her hand and grabbed the man’s sitting next to her. “I’m so sorry, I’m traveling with my husband but I lost my own ticket!” It took less than half a second but then the man adjusted his cozy sweater with his free hand and then reached into his pocket. “I’m sorry about my wife, we’re visiting the mother land and she can be a bit of klutz” he said as he flashed a smile to Ana and held her hand tighter. His hand was warm, she felt melting into it. She felt his pulse quicken and so did hers. Their hands fit together perfectly as they walked into the train. “My name is John by the way”. 


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