fighting the negativity

 morning: barely any time to do anything. ran out the door as fast possible made it just in time to see the train pull away. great times.

made it to work, saw all familiar faces. got the animal, easy peasy lemon squeezy for a super pig genius as myself (or so i claimed). got the dude ready and headed out for coffee. the classic 'bucks vs 'bou but i wanted a frap. mistake number one of the day on the attempts to eat less calories. lol. 



lunch with k. it was actually quite fun. she's got a sort of rough and tumble happy-go-lucky attitude that is a bit refreshing. also, it's always fun to have someone who wants to be adventurous about food and enjoy the process even if the food is not their cup of style. 

work was a mixed bag. the boss decided to shit on my afternoon, the following month, and then the following 1.5 years. all in the span of 10 minutes. but maybe i can turn the shit into manure. even with his help. i just need to voice my needs. my needs indeed. it's just that confrontation is not the game i like to play. blah. i also planned to work on my second job afterwards but e offered me a ride home and i wanted a little a more friend time so i took her offer. i was also physically and mentally tired. we had a nice talk about the work manure. we are both trying to have our seeds grow but the manure keeps piling on. we both need to put it to good use and utilize the boss properly (and stop him from piling up more useless work). I am determined to fight the negativity. i need to win against it to be a better person on the other side of this job. 


again made arepas. this time with an omelette. damn if it wasn't delicious. watched the bachelor. it's freaking ridiculous but it's something i can put on while i play my video game. i also opened the hinge app. someone had liked my picture. they seemed ok. it's one compares haha. it's specially hard online with only a couple of words in a small profile. i am also thinking that this year i'll be crazy busy to date anyone anyway. 

Thoughts: i wish i could read people's minds and see what people thought of me. i vacillate between thinking that i'm liked to being hated multiple times a day. ever since i turned 10 i think i've had these feelings. i remember hanging out with my cousins and her friends. i thought i was funny and well liked until that kid threw that saltine with grape marmalade right into my eye. i'll never forget it. the burning sensation in my eye was not as painful as realizing that not everyone was fan. i felt so betrayed. i thought he and i were becoming friends and everything. so who knows, maybe one of these days i'll get another saltine in the eye from a lab mate. i hope not. what would be worse than a saltine in the eye?


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