run david run

The weekend:

Saturday. I woke up rather late but slept well. made arepas with cheddar cheese and ham and turkey for brunch. i was thinking about going out for a walk when e invited me to the park with her dog. the park was vast and the weather was cold and windy. the snow had hardened over the cold snap of the previous days but it still gave in when i walked. The dog left no mark except when he jumped to retrieve his ball. it was beautiful and cool to see him run at full speed and lift up puffs of snow smoke when he masterfully catches the ball. he is such a cool dog. there was a small incident when he got too excited and started chasing a smaller dog and wouldn't come back. poor e probably felt embarrassed and a little miffed that her dog misbehaved. but nature is nature. and it was a real fun time until that point. i ran alongside d (d for dog) and we jumped in the snow, chased after balls, and just had a blast amidst the snow flurries. it was about 40 minutes in when e discovered that d was bleeding a bit from his paws. the snow was still too hard and he was hitting it hard. so we decided to just walk back and head home. 

i had forgotten how great it is to walk d and just have fun with him. it's funny to think about but i think there's a connection with that animal. he just gets me. seeing him was like seeing an old friend. i hope he thought the same. walking and talking with e, my real human friend, was great too. minimal awkwardness, which is rare these days. it was just a wonderful afternoon for me. i thought i was doing fine, that my spirits were level and i was content, but hanging out with those two made me realize how much better life can be haha. i came back home smiling and feeling much better for having had that afternoon with two friends. i also just really like that "walk in the park" style of hanging out. no pressures, just being outside and walking and talking about whatever.  i'm a fan of that. 

In the evening i was again invited by my other friends j and c to also walk with their dog. I was tired from running with d (running in the snow is tough y'all) but i didn't want to cancel on them again. so we met up and walked in the snow around their place. it was cool because by then the snow had fallen enough that there was no distinction between the sidewalk and the road and everything was covered in that soft blanket. it was fun to have a snowball fight and so i started one. that was fun. the snow was a little extra dry, so it was hard to pack it well but it was fun nevertheless. my hands were freezing because i forgot to take gloves but i didn't care. hearing that "thud" with a well placed snow ball in someone's stomach was great. I tried also running with their dog. their dog m is a great little puppy. but she's still a little feral in some ways. when she gets too excited she starts biting and scratching. and so she did. i got some pretty annoying marks where she broke the skin. annoying because it kind of stings and hurts when i wash my hands. 

Sunday. Nothing on sunday. Made brunch (rice bowls), made dinner (arepas), and watched tv. 

Thoughts: I am dreading this week. i have a lot of work to do. i need to concentrate and actually utilize all my "work" time effectively. i am afraid because i am really bad at being productive. i am afraid i will procrastinate. gah!! I will try to behave. If i can be productive in the morning, then i might be able to have a pleasant week, fingers crossed. it's almost midnight, so i'm already not doing too well. Things will get better. right?


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