normal work


woke up. made coffee. it was good. i'm getting tired of the natural process beans though. they are great as a novelty but after a while the special flavoring can get a little boring because to me it's a little overpowering over the other coffee notes. either way it's still miles ahead of the coffee shops around work. 

i did some work at home which felt good. then i went to work. met up with r and it was fun. talked about work, life and other silly stuff. she's cool peeps. she offered me a ride home which i took happily and readily. which was a mistake. in my excitement of continued conversation, i left my keys at work -_- 


talked to my younger bro. he keeps clashing with the father but hopefully he can be the more mature one. fingers crossed. otherwise i just watched tv and played video games at the same time. doing either would be too boring. i also daydreamed about what would life be if cy was here with me. sigh. i need to get away from that but that's the one drawback of this apartment. i'm alone so much i end up thinking about her again. 


thoughts: i need to be more strict with my food intake. i really want to lose weight but food is comforting. however, if i want to find someone for cuddle fights i need to lose some weight.


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