birthday parties at work


had to wake up crazy early because i was in charge of getting coffee before work. uffda. woke up way too early. thought about asking e for a ride but it's her birthday and i didn't want to bother. thankfully the train was on time and i made it work a little past 7. i needed extra hands and so k and ka volunteered to help. ka is new in our group and we talked a bit about winter activities and how i still haven't ever gone sledding. "you gotta do it, you're not a minnesotan until then". the rest of the morning went normal. it was e's birthday so i gave her the coolest puzzle ever (when i bought it i was supposed to buy two so i could have one but i forgot! gah!) and then she proceeded to have fun pranking t's desk because he's out of town. 

my mini boss was in lab today and so i was on full working mode. i had about 3 separate projects working for him at the same time. i was running like a headless chicken


we got lunch as chipotle but i couldn't go and see the sun since i was so busy doing timed experiment set-ups. at this point i was feeling the weekly lack of sleep catching up. i had a part that i needed to fix and thankfully e could help me with it, ever the show off but i can't complain because her technique worked. my one shot thing worked again thankfully. however my other two experiments did not. it sucks because you run around ragged and then things just don't work out. i guess i should be used to it by now. 

i pretty much ran around all afternoon from room to room doing different work stuff. in the small breaks i would talk to r or her betrothed. i was also trying to be playful with e for her birthday but maybe i did one too many "you stink on ice" jokes and i felt like she gave me a look of "what's your deal bro" and started attacking back pretty savagely. it was cool though, i think we understand each other. i was just so tired all day.


i had to work until 7. painful to watch all my other coworkers leave for home. when i got home i realized i had no food and so i just sat in my couch and put on youtube. i started to fall asleep and decided to get ready for bed. moving about woke me up a little so i decided to pick up the guitar. i played for about an hour. it was fun. i don't know why i just don't play guitar every day. i played my versions of balckbird and ho hey and then doodled about trying to invent something and ended the session playing the song creep. what a throwback. 


coworkers are going skiing on sunday. e invited us since she's going as part of her bday celebrations. i feel...conflicted. sometimes i just don't know how these people see me. sure we are friends, but once i thought about them becoming "real" friends who are willing to go the extra mile or even do stuff to help each other out. now..i don't know. i've started thinking that they see me more like an older dude that hangs out with them but it's not really part of the group you know? like we're all friends and we got this vibe but then there's this older dude, like a cool uncle, who is funny and comes around for happy hour but he's never in the inner circle. he's just...that old dude. i think i am that for them. for ALL the people i see here. it sucks but everyone i hang out is much younger. i feel like i've forced my way into their friend groups because they are all nice and won't say no when i show enthusiasm for their activities. but maybe deep down they wish i could just be funny when needed and move along when the real :cool: stuff is happening. 

thoughts 2: 

i'm getting fatigued of being around so many couples. i need to get a life.

dirty rhyme:

she bent over like a mars rover

while kissed it, i'm an ass lover

not high i'm not a stoner

if my dick's a book, hardcover 


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