
 day is a blur at this time so no subtitles.

woke up early to bake. i was happy baking. there was a purpose, there was the fruit of labor and of (hopefully) success. i was proud i've been able to hold the same mother dough alive for almost a year. i also running high on e's comment about being unable to find another sourdough bread that tasted as good. i mean, that's the best compliment anyone has ever given me about my cooking ever! and it came from e! the supertaster*!!

*not certified yet

the only downside was that i woke up way too early in the morning. thankfully i was able to pay for a ride to work from e (bread is good currency).

work was mundane and tiring as it can be sometimes. the lack of good sleep didn't help either. but i was in good spirits. i think most of us were in good spirits, maybe with the exception of t who is undeservedly having too much thrown in his plate. the guy needs a break but it seems the boss doesn't let up? i don't know, but i do worry about him. i hope he can rest a bit over the weekend. 

after work i got a ride back from e. it's been a while since we've all left at the same time and she was nice enough. once we got home i stupidly offered her if she wanted to come over and hang out and play music. ha! i'm sure the last thing she'd want is to do that. 

i still took the guitar out to play. i started to learn a new song when a string popped! wha! i looked around for new strings and found them thankfully and then decided to do a full change. with all the strings out i cleaned the guitar and restrung it. only problem is that i don't have wire cutters. ugh, now my headstock is full of dangling strings; i hate it. i then continued to doodle and play the guitar for about an hour! i wasn't playing anything and in fact i was watching tv while doodling, but it felt good to have my fingers moving and exercising as well. i actually came up with a nice little part of a possible new david song. 

however, even while happy playing the guitar my heart has sunk this evening into night. i do not know what has come upon me to make me feel this way. it feels a bit like when someone first breaks up with you. i'm guessing it's the exhaustion kicking in and making me feel weird things.

free prose:

were you always so tall? the snow on your head formed a halo and i blushed when you reached out your hand. i hoped you hadn't seen me staring at your hair. entranced by its wintry magic, the only thing i could focus so i wouldn't give myself away. and yet you took your gloves off and reached your tiny fingers towards mine. your hand was cold but i felt so warm.


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