
the feels-like temperature right now is -33F. it would be annoying at best to go out. as the day progressed  i simply observed the daylight change through my window. there was nothing to do. nothing fun at least. i could work but the previous week has left me with a sour taste on my mouth regarding work. i took a nap. i barely ever take naps. but i took a fat ass nap. i woke up still bored. i thought about calling e or r to hang out but i also don't want to bother people who probably have better things to do with their better friends. also what could we do? drive around is probably the only thing to do, and e had already had her drive last night. 

so the day was a total wash. not even worth separating it into sections. it's just one long boring dark-light-dark thing. and now it's time to sleep. i miss just being silly without overthinking everything. when did things change? you know what would be great on a crappy boring day like today? cuddling all freaking day. that would make it have purpose and be fun. cuddling while changing places in bed, fighting to see who will cook lunch, feeling each other's warmth, then getting too hot and taking the covers off, then putting the covers back on but sticking one foot out for perfect temperature balance. we could find each other's nooks and just fit perfectly with each other. then even if we are cuddling, a little unnoticed touch would send little goosebumps and sexy shivers through our bodies. then of course kiss city would be lighting up. dang that's a good day. 

Thoughts: we should incorporate a 3 day weekend. this whole 2 day thing is bullshit. it's not even sunday yet and i'm already anxious about monday.  i've also really been thinking about cy lately. i don't know what's caused this resurgence of her in my mind. maybe it's the loneliness of winter. i keep fighting the urge to reach out to her. i miss holding her hand, i miss kissing her, i miss her big butt, i miss her wily smile, i miss holding her, i miss giving her massages, i miss her. i thought i didn't. maybe i'm just extra thirsty these days.


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