
early morning: 

woke up feeling a bit anxious. i knew i had work to do that i neglected over the weekend. i checked my work computer. empty. nothing due today. it felt so nice. i was already up so i could get a head start on the day but i decided to take a victory nap (the victory being that i had nothing to do urgently). 

regular morning:

woke up with a science question in mind. wide awake. i wanted to call e and ask if my thoughts made sense since it was in her area of expertise. i decided to wait until tomorrow. partially because i didn't want to bother her and partially because this way i would have some conversation for the day. 

i took a shower and did some light work, responding to emails and some abstract writing. I still had some pizza dough left over from yesterday and decided to make pizza with ham for lunch.


while the pizza baked, e asked me if i wanted a ride to work. i agreed because i was not as productive as i wanted. The pizza was then done and because i was excited about the prospect of getting a ride to work i went to take it out a bit too hastily. disaster!! the pizza felt into the oven. INTO THE OVEN!! T_T

i used my pizza peel to sort of stab it and salvage as much as possible. over 75% of the cheesy goodness just slid off into the floor of the oven. so sad. i was forced to improvise my lunch with balsamic vinegar and olive oil dipping sauce.


e picked me up. for half a second i expected dv to show up in the window. what a super treat that would be. but i don't think we could smuggle him into work. also i wouldn't be able to work at all. but it would be the best day ever. we made it work and we talked about my science question and other stuff. it was fun. she's cool. 

work was ok. i upped my productivity by about 30% which is better than nothing. i also learned about organizing tabs into groups. that satisfactory feeling when tabs collapse into a category...yum! i think i got a bit turned on and everything! such sexy animation! kudos to the chrome devs.   (and the colors!)


rode back with e home. we talked and laughed about stuff. i almost wished we had more time to hang out.  back home i made the last bit of pizza dough. this time i put lamb sausage. i only bought it because i had never seen it or tasted it before. i also used my big water bottle to roll out the dough (i need to buy a roller pin). the dough was thin, the cheese well placed, and the sausage well distributed. hot damn that pizza was delicious. skipping the one from this afternoon, leaving the dough to mature over night makes a huge difference in flavor. man, that was some good pizza. the sausage was ok. i need to buy move veggies. i think some good stuff with this dough would be amazing.


i think the best way for me to be well rested is to sleep, wake up, check that i have nothing due, and go back to sleep again. i woke up totally refreshed. 

extra extra prose:

the wind hit her face with her freezing fingers

and all the while she smiled with her eyes

those dark galaxies that glimmer and shine

even through this deluge of snow.



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