long day.


ran around like a headless chicken at work. trying to multi task doing experiments, setting up the data analysis for said experiments, and preparing stuff for the afternoon's double experiments. the best part of the morning was the walk to the train. it was very lightly snowing and there was a calmness to the day that felt very spiritual. it was cold but thankfully not very windy. i felt my thoughts quiet and just enjoyed the silence. until the train came in. some of the peeps left to get coffee, i wanted to go as well (partially because i wanted to see if there were still flurries) but i had to stay and help so they got it for me. it was decent and much needed. another downer was waking up before the sun. 


went to get lunch with r and m. it was a very nice walk in the sun for about 5 minutes. then the wind picked up and my cheeks started to feel frozen. i brought up the idea of going to a cabin as a work group to r and she kindly but decisively shot it down. i had to agree with her, covid19 is a real thing and we don't have a real closed group within us. still the sting of being unable to hang out is sorrowful. 

got back to work and couldn't eat lunch because the experiments were ready to go. During some of the set up for the late afternoon experiment e came in the room and offered her help. i talked to her about proper pipette use. i wondered if she had ever pippetted before and if i was over-explaining. she reminded me why i like working with her so much. she is someone very capable. she took the instructions and not only followed them but understood the underlying need for them and applied them in the work. i was a little hesitant to let her help because there was very little room for error, the device had to work and there was only time to make one of them. i am glad i trusted her, i knew i could. she had precision and focus, her stance while holding the pipette was unorthodox, although to be frank she looked adorable (imagine a rabbit pulling the sword excalibur out of the stone) and hilarious, but she got the job done well. 


everyone left for home but i still had the last experiment to go. i was nervous because this had been talked about by some groups and some hype had been generated (not by me, it takes so much preparation to get good data out). I also had one good shot at it. Two managers were also watching it happen. As the first couple of therapies were delivered we weren't seeing much but then we pushed further and further and finally! we got it! Very exciting for all. The managers were excited about this new possible venue for validation of data and i was excited that it worked so well (i gotta tell e that her work was pretty awesome).  


got home hungry. thankfully j had the foresight to store my dinner in the fridge before leaving. i had forgotten it during the rush at work and it wouldn't have been nice if it had spoiled (i don't think kimbap stays fresh long). i owe him a coffee or something. i've been meaning to invite him to a walk, but it's been so cold lately. on my way home e texted me about possibly giving me a ride home, i wish i could have taken it i was so tired. 

once home i fed my sourdough starter which is now probably at 85% strength which should be good to make some tasty breads. i hope to start tomorrow. i watched youtube until i felt i had to force myself to go to sleep.

bonus words:

she walked defiantly in the cold. her fingers ached and her mascara started to freeze and melt with every breath coming out of her mask. the sun was kissing her hair while the wind danced with its golden and chocolate silk. suddenly everything stopped, every person, every car, every sound. she interlaced her fingers and covered both hands with her coat, but she longed to hold a warmer hand. the world came back in with thunderous noise. 


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