garfield and mondays

 this one will be very brief. i think.

woke up. determined to have a productive day. i had a plan for morning work at home followed by afternoon work in the office. turns out i took too long getting up from my bed and by the time i was ready for work i had to head over to the office. i decided i would do the home portion in the later evening. i also had to go buy groceries. waiting for the train the first snowflakes start to fall. 

on the train i ordered lunch to pick it up on the way to work. it was afrodeli because why not treat myself to a nice monday right? on the walk to the restaurant e asks me if i'm going to work. i told her i was on my way but getting lunch on the way. she said she was going to ask me about that. she had already asked m about going with her but he didn't want lunch. ok. maybe i'm misunderstanding her, but it sounds like "negging" lol. like "hey want to do something? i had someone better in mind but they canceled on me so i'm just hitting you up because even though you're a loser you're the only one avails right now". it was the same thing about biking the other day. the first thing after she accepted my invitation to bike was to tell me how she had planned to go biking with m but then he left his bike in his home town. like are you telling me this so i know you wouldn't come with me otherwise? like i'm a second or unwanted choice? bleh. anyway, i offered to pick up her food and take it over. the snow was falling heavier now.

at work things went ok. i noticed the small biohazard bag still had not been sterilized, it is the ONE thing i didn't do on my 26 hour (last time i mention it, i promise) workday. heaven forbid someone else does it. i still didn't do it just to see if anyone notices human blood rags hanging out in the hallway. i did some prototyping and a little of the data image processing. i think it might be more problematic than we think and i need to switch to a better camera for images. 

the big boss came in and talked about at. she apparently will attempt to do an entire phd from home. in our lab. -_____-. what? as disillusioned as i am, i am not as angry about it as r and e seem to be about it. i think i've made my peace with her and her shenanigans with the big boss, but they certainly haven't. like i just can't get that mad anymore. i lost that energy. i'm at a point where i don't care anymore? if i can't do anything about it? i don't know. maybe i'm just in a low energy moment.

so i continue to work, while e decides to fume about and just watch youtube while uploading some files to calm down. we end up finishing work around the same time. we start to pack up and she has her husband picking her up. i thought about how different the relationships are with them vs r and j. i'm pretty sure if r and i were working late and we lived in the same building, and j came to pick her up, she would offer a ride home. especially on a snowy crappy day. e on the other hand. probably didn't even consider it. or if she did, it was only in fear that i may ask for it. she did say she had to hurry because she didn't want q to get angry while waiting for her. 

once outside the now was heavy and falling almost horizontally. i thought about going for groceries and decided not to go. i walked to the train station and i just had this negative feeling about myself that i turned around and took the train away from home. i decided to get groceries from trader joes. 

got the food. took the train back home. i barely remember the ride home. a friend sent me a compilation of soccer super fails and i was laughing all the way home. it was the upper the day needed. even though there was nothing bad about the day i felt down and the soccer fails were like chocolate on a sun beam on a cloudy day. delicious. 

once home i ate and watched tv until it was time to sleep.


what marvelous waves! an ocean of darks and lights, of browns and reds. whales, dolphins, creatures beyond my imagination exist underneath, and while its depths are unfathomable, its beauty scares me more. 

hark! could providence in their sweet cruelty fashioned you? 

lo! be here, light up the world and go, light up there, for we are fond of even your shadows.  



ugh i guess i didn't keep it as brief as i thought huh? i need to learn to just bullet point it.

aliens in my work


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