mega social weekend

 i feel extremely sleepy. all of the nights of this weekend i've been too tired to write. tonight included, so i'll be brief. maybe i should stop writing my daily things. we'll see.


early morning i was invited by m and wu to go bouldering. it was fun. it had been a long time since i had tried it. m has improved a lot in the time since the first time we went and she was climbing probably at almost r level. it was fun because it meant she could push me to do/try certain problems i wouldn't otherwise. right now i feel that i may have overdone it just a tiny bit because 50% of my body aches whenever i move. but it's fun. and hopefully this means i'm a little stronger now. 

in the afternoon i met with r and j for a nice lunch and cocktail hour. i'll be damned if it wasn't fun. i'm really happy these people are into this because there was something missing from my life after cy left and i just found out what it was: high end libations and food. i get such s high from being around friends and drinking and eating fun things. the conversations are fun and exciting, the weather usually is amazing. it's just the ideal life. i feel richer just for having done that. after lunch we walked and continued the conversation. it is also very easy to just hang out and talk with them. they may be young and inexeperienced in life but they make up for it in insight and understanding. 

in the evening i met up with k. we had talked about getting together one day and eating something tasty and watching a movie and after last week's bike ride, we decided on this day. so i made pizza dough and we watched yakitate (a hilarious anime). while making and arranging the pizza we talked about lots of stuff.i told her about my upcoming sunday date and asked her about dates. she said that she didn't want to date, she feels that boys are all too "complicated". she described what she meant and it mostly reflects that she's had bad experiences with people she's dated. but i also get the impression that she hasn't really dated much, or if anything it's all been a little on the superficial side of things (i think she's only had one brief bf). 

the rest of the night went fine.


woke up. dreading my own date for later in the afternoon. i checked my work emails, and replied to some questions. (that counts as work right?). i did laundry, then showered and got ready to leave for my date. 

date: first date since cy and i were together. it was a windy day. and by windy i mean, crazy windy. we decided to sit at a restaurant instead of walking around. i ordered an old fashioned and she ordered a hendricks gin and lime. bonus point for choosing my favorite gin. we briefly talked about there's no use in wasting life on less than the good stuff. another bonus point. we then moved to on to coffee. she roasts her own coffee!! being from eritrea, apparently it's part of her culture. she has some special kitchen tools to do it, and a clay pot for percolating coffee too. i gotta try it out. extra bonus points. once we got our drinks we talked about pretty much everything. our families, where we come from, i even talked about my aversion to poop in strange toilets! this last point came about because she mentioned a story about village kids laughing at her american self poop by the side of a mountain during a trip to eritrea. it's cool. we had several things in common and it was a nice enough conversation. we ended up sort of not finalizing a second date but not saying no either. it was more like "oh if we go out again we could do this, or that". so we'll see. although now that i'm writing it, i feel like if a girl likes you maybe they wouldn't be all wishy washy about a second date? hm, who knows. i also didn't ask directly. 

after the date i came home and ordered a pizza. i was pretty hungry. now i'm too full. 


after writing all these things about dating, maybe i'm like my friend k, things are too complicated. why can't cy just appear back in my life and pretend it's all good? it would be so easy! we know what we like of each other. we know how to be comfortable with each other. there's no pretense or anything. we simply liked everything about each other. oh well. 


Otakitty said…
No! You gotta put in a little effort! Girls will expect the guy to take the initiative at first. I mean, if you are interested, you gotta solidify the future dates, that way she also has something to look forward to!

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