sunset ride

 it was normal day, as far as those go. i worked a bit from home. then went into lab. e asked me if i was going to make a plan for lunch. i told her i would be there before lunch and we could walk to get something. once i arrived i saw that everyone else was also at work. and they all biked to work too! the warm days are coming. 

we walked to a sandwich place. r came with us and it was a nice walk. the day was beautiful. if i hadn't had to work i probably would have taken the day off to do a long bike ride. back at work i played a round of jeopardy with r during lunch. then afterwards i helped e solve a problem with her wiring in her project and then i helped her finish her project box. then i came back and worked with r on her coding project. sometimes i wonder if i only like coding these kinds of things because they are easy and they have solutions, or i just like it because i actually like coding. should i change the direction of my career to do more software type of things? i just like how the answers are all there, inside the computer. it's all about instructions and playing around with them until the machine does what you want it to do. it's a thrill when it works. 

we did end up working later than i expected. but it was because we were making progress. finally we left work around 630. with a whole hour before sunset! that felt so amazing. it only a month ago when sunset was around 4. i asked r if i could bike with her so i could have longer bike ride and also do a bit of extra exercise. it was nice. the night wasn't cold and there wasn't a freezing gale. 

once home i cooked some spaghetti and watched a bit of tv before getting ready for bed. 

things of the day i remember:

-since were all vaccinated we could be in the office sans masks. it felt weird, but also nice at times. 

-the taste of coca-cola is still delicious. i had forgotten what a coke tastes like, and i had one with lunch. it is crisp and delicious. i hate that i like it so much. i hope it'll be another long ass time until i have another.

-during a conversation with r about my weekend date, i was telling her how my date was taking singing lessons and her teacher told her that she had a great voice for country music. then suddenly e interjected "everybody can sing country music" in a very condescending way. it was weird. is that a way of saying her music knowledge is superior? i don't know. i also don't know about the country music being the easiest for singing. they have to be melodious and keep in tune pretty well, unlike rock or hip-hop/pop where they can get away with some shouts and other flairs than can mask not hitting a note properly. anyway, that sudden put-down was just weird.

-day after date i find myself thinking how unique the situation with cy was. we fit in so well with each other. from what makes our lives better, to how we are lazy, to how we do spontaneity, to cooking, to even our sex styles. it truly was a unicorn. or maybe i'm just looking at it with idealized eyes now that i'm so far from it. i mean if it was so good, why did it end then? i also miss her big ass haha. maybe i'm just man-vulating. 


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