indian food

 went to work. walked far for coffee with r and m and a. worked a bit more. lunch to far away indian place. by far away i mean more than 15 minutes walking. boss insisted again on setting me up with familiy friend. i said i would try to reach out even though i know it won't work because this person is a super christian girl and i'm almost an anti-theist. still. will probably text sometime friday. i also got a text from hinge date#1. she just wanted to confirm for the 3rd. that'll be interesting. 

had an extra experiment with r that didn't go too well unfortunately. hopefully we got something interesting for at least an abstract. 

the rest of the evening went normal. it was beautiful day and i wish i had biked to work.

was there drama today?maybe? but not as much as yesterday. i think the lack of sleep is my biggest drama creator. talked to r about our group trip to the cabin. i think as long as we can relax about everything and e can be relaxed and having fun it'll be ok. i think the extra judgy e comes out when she's tired or frustrated.

i will stop writing because my eyes are closing without my consente.


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